Honey, a noble
gift of nature.

Dr. Felix Schier steht bei seinem Bienenstock am Vierwaldstättersee mit einer Wabe in der Hand

Dr. Schier’s Premium Honey

Dr. Schier’s honey is guar­an­teed to be pure Swiss honey, pro­duced using tra­di­tion­al meth­ods and large­ly by hand. Such honey is a noble gift from nature.

Dr. Schi­er pro­duces the honey that he wants to eat himself:

Exclu­sive­ly from the mead­ows, moun­tains and forests of his homeland

Pro­duced under clin­i­cal­ly clean con­di­tions, absolute­ly pure and natural

Processed with min­i­mal, tra­di­tion­al tech­nol­o­gy, with­out indus­tri­al methods

Pure Swiss honey: noth­ing is added, noth­ing is removed and noth­ing is changed.

Our best­sellers

Moun­tain Honey Lim­it­ed Edition, 240g
19,00 CHF
Moun­tain Honey, 450g
35,00 CHF
For­est Honey Gift Box
21,00 CHF
For­est Honey, Spher­i­cal Glass
24,00 CHF

Dr. Felix Schier

Inter­na­tion­al­ly renowned pedi­atric sur­geon, head of clin­ic for many years. Now retired — and always a bee­keep­er at heart, just like his grand­fa­ther was.