Pay­ment & delivery

Deliv­ery & dispatch
with­in Switzerland

Deliv­ery 2 to 4 workdays


Ship­ping costs

Pri­or­i­ty ship­ping deliv­er­ies by the Swiss Post

  • 1 glass (up to 590gr) CHF 9.00
  • 4 glass­es (up to 2736gr) CHF 11.00
  • 16 glass­es (up to 12100gr) CHF 18.00

No small quan­ti­ty surcharge





Returns and refunds

If you decide to return an item, you can do so with­in 10 days of receipt of deliv­ery. The pre­req­ui­site for this is that the goods are undam­aged and in their orig­i­nal pack­ag­ing. Please con­tact us by email at . We will refund the amount with­in sev­en days of receipt of the returns. If you have any fur­ther ques­tions about ship­ping or deliv­ery, please con­tact us by email: or by call­ing the fol­low­ing tele­phone num­ber: +41 79 918 40 48.


Final pro­vi­sions

The pro­vi­sions of the Swiss Code of Oblig­a­tions apply. Stans is the exclu­sive place of juris­dic­tion for all dis­putes aris­ing from a con­tract with Dr. Schier’s .