Dr. Felix Schier,
a dream turned into premium honey

Porträt von Dr. Felix Schier mit seinen Bienenkästen.
Dr. Felix Schier hält eine Bienenwabe in der Natur in die Höhe und zeigt darauf

Even his grand­fa­ther was a beekeeper

The elder­ly man ate a large spoon of his own honey every day and also gave some to his grand­son. The grand­son grew up to become the pae­di­atric sur­geon, Pro­fes­sor Schi­er, who trav­elled around the world to give lec­tures and per­form oper­a­tions. When pur­chas­ing honey dur­ing his trav­els, he noticed that it was often impos­si­ble to deter­mine the prove­nience, i.e. the coun­try and the pro­duc­er, of the honey.
Iron­i­cal­ly, no one would have accept­ed this state of affairs in the case of a good wine.

To pur­chase pure local honey is not easy, all over the world, and it is espe­cial­ly dif­fi­cult for a trav­el­er who does not know the bee­keep­er per­son­al­ly. These obser­va­tions became the ori­gin of Dr. Schier’s dream, to one day pro­duce pure, real honey like the honey his grand­fa­ther used to pro­duce and eat, honey of that cus­tomers knew both its qual­i­ty as well as its origin.

Bee­keep­er Dr. Schi­er is now retired from med­i­cine. He lives on the shores of Lake Lucerne in one of the founder can­tons of Switzerland.

Our pas­sion & mission:
100% pure Swiss honey

Dr. Schi­er pro­duces the kind of honey that he wants to eat himself:

  • Honey har­vest­ed exclu­sive­ly from the mead­ows, moun­tains and forests of his home country;
  • Honey pro­duced under clean and hygien­ic con­di­tions, absolute­ly pure and natural;
  • Honey processed using min­i­mal­ist and tra­di­tion­al techniques;
  • Nat­ur­al and pure honey that con­tains all the good nutri­ents that health-con­scious peo­ple have trea­sured for thou­sands of years;
  • Honey that is noth­ing but pure Swiss honey. Noth­ing is added. Noth­ing is being tak­en away. Noth­ing has been changed.

Per­haps most impor­tant­ly, Dr. Schi­er is con­vinced that it is impor­tant for cus­tomers to be able to trust their bee­keep­ers. He wants to do every­thing in his pow­er to earn and pre­serve this trust.